ABP News correspondent protests against muzzling of his voice,

announces resignation on a public platform


ABP News correspondent Rakshit Singh publicly announced his resignation from his job, alleging that the channel was not allowing him to report the truth about the farmers protests.

Singh, climbed the stage of the farmers Mahapanchayat in Meerut this evening and announced that he is quitting his job. He had come to cover the Mahapanchayat for his channel. He took the microphone on the stage and said that he had joined the profession to report truth, but was not being allowed to do so now.       

Rakshit Singh
Rakshit Singh                     Photo courtesy: Twitter

He stated that he felt suffocated as his voice was being muzzled. Singh is in the profession for 15 years.

He expressed fears that his decision to quit his job may result in the filing of false cases against him or he could be run over by a truck claiming brake failure. “But, when my little son grows up and asks me about my role during this unannounced emergency in the country, I will be able to proudly tell him that I stood by the protesting farmers,” Singh announced.

He also stated that he get an annual package of Rs 12 lakh.

“I do not mind being sued on sedition charges for my stand,” he added.
