32 Kuki sub-tribes resent deletion of AKT from ST list

Representatives of the 32 sub-tribes of Kuki, belonging to Any Kuki Tribe (AKT) have expressed strong resentment over the Manipur Government’s decision taken on March 22 to delete AKT from the list of Scheduled Tribes.

According to Seikholun Doungel said that Any Kuki Tribe (AKT) is a recognised Scheduled Tribe mentioned inSection Part C States Orders, 1951, Part VI-Entry 1 of the Indian constitution. He pointed out that AKT was delisted by the SCs and STs order (Amendment Act 63 of 1956), however, after a long struggle and fight, the AKT was relisted as Scheduled Tribe of the Government of India under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order Amendment Act, 2002 (no.10 of 2003) Part X.

He said that the Kuki Students’ Organisation (KSO) tried to impose 48 hours shutdown in all the Kuki-dominated regions which is against the Cabinet decision on deletion of AKT from the list of ST. Seikholun said that it is the primary duty of the State Government to ensure that there is effective implementation of constitutional safeguards in accordance with the Indian Constitution and other measures for the protection, welfare and socio-economic development of Scheduled Tribes in the State but it has no authority to discard or delete any tribe from the list of the recognised STs without prior consultation or consensus of the people who subscribe or belong to the tribe.

He said that the government should reconsider and immediately cease all the process for deletion of AKT from the ST list so that all the outstanding issues are resolved before reaching the stage of any confrontation. He added that AKT encompassing all the Kukis of the State by which they have been  known is non-negotiable and non-debatable
