Mumbai NGO holds cervical cancer prevention camp

Jan Prahar Foundation (JPF), Mumbai held a camp, in association with Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) for protection of women from cervical cancer in Mumbai on Monday.

According to a press announcement by JPF 1000 women were administered Human Papillomavirus Vaccines (HPV). HPV is a protective against cervical cancer. The beneficiaries of the camp were aged between nine years to 45 years.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women and one of the main reasons of cancer led deaths in women. But effective and timely HPV vaccination can help prevent most cervical cancer cases.

The press note quoted Ravikant Shukla, Founder President Jan Prahar Foundation as saying, “Caught up in the daily rigmarole of household and office work women tend to ignore their reproductive health, in light of this Jan Prahar Foundation has taken a small step in this direction by organising a free camp for HPV vaccination for women. The camp that has been setup has vaccinated 1000 women in the age group of 9 – 45. Our endeavor is to vaccinate at least 5000 women in the coming months.”

The second dose of HPV vaccine will be given to women aged 18-45 in October. The HPV vaccination has clinically proven to be effective in preventing the spread of HPV infection. HPV vaccines have been found to be about 80 per cent effective in preventing cervical cancer and 70 per cent in preventing anal cancer.  

Jan Prahar foundation (JPF) was setup with an objective of women empowerment, sustainable livelihood generation for the needy, helping the poor with free medical facilities, education and training. JPF which works with over 100 women self-help groups (SHGs) has launched several initiatives to improve the financial condition of women through livelihood generation projects like making of indigenous sanitary napkins and distributing nearly 100 sewing machines among women SHGs, according to the press note.

During the pandemic the foundation continues to distribute more than 500 free ready to eat kits every day and free ration kits to more than 2000 families through its Jan Prahar ration card. The foundation has also distributed free vapouriser machines to 15,000 families, 25,000 masks and sanitiser bottles and is constantly engaged in sanitising slum pockets to arrest the spread of the deadly Corona virus.