Submitted by abhay on Sun, 05/02/2021 - 00:20

Wake up Modi, people may turn violent now

With the rising number of COVID 19 cases in the country and the acute shortage of hospital beds, ambulances, oxygen and medicines, the public at large, especially those affected by these problems, have realised that the government has failed to take appropriate steps in resolving the issues, which were preventable.

A majority of the population, which was mesmerised by the promises and speeches of the most popular Prime Minister Narendra Modi and whose brain was maimed by the communal poison that has been spread, fuelled by the mainstream media, is now gradually waking up to the reality before it, as the COVID and related problems have started knocking its doors.

Not just the blind supporters of the most failed Prime Minister, but a few elected representatives have realised that Modi being the greatest leader of the nation is a façade, which is now crumbling. Some of these elected representatives have used the social media platforms to vent their anger at the failure of the governments in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh; in both these states elected representatives belonging to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have succumbed to COVID, with at least one of them due to non-availability of treatment facilities.

While the representatives of the BJP-led governments at the Centre and in some states, as well as the spokespersons of the party have been claiming that there is no shortage of oxygen, Remdesivir or hospital beds, the members of the public at large have a different experience as they have been carrying COVID patients from one hospital to the other trying to get a bed or have been going around in their effort to procure Remdesivir or oxygen.

The claims by Modi and his team that everything is under control, are as true as his promise to bring all the black money deposited in Swiss banks by Indians, distribution of Rs 15 lakh to every Indian, the claims of positive effects of demonitisation and that India has defeated the corona virus.

The middle and the higher middle class, in addition to some members of the elite sections of the society have now become victims of the Modi’s claims and have been venting out their anger through social media. Such anger has also been expressed against non-BJP governments in the state. The difference in the situation is that the non-BJP governments have not made false claims about oxygen or Remdesivir; their statements are to the contrary.

The people are also angry that their dead cannot be given a respectable funeral in the absence of enough place in cemeteries and crematoria.

The mainstream media continues to ignore these problems faced by the masses and blames non-BJP governments for the situation, without a whimper against the BJP. However, independent news channels on YouTube have been depicting the problems of the people from ground zero. These videos expose the anger of the people and it is sad to see that the Prime Minister is abused in the filthiest language by the suffering people. No Prime Minister of India can come anywhere close to Modi, when it comes to abuses by the public.

Reports have also come out in the section of the media that the expert committee had warned the Union Government of the impending and disastrous second wave of the COVID pandemic. The government not only failed to pay heed to the warning, but Prime Minister, blowing his trumpet, claimed even on the World Economic Forum platform that India had defeated the pandemic and that the world needs to learn from it. Yes, now the world has learnt what mistakes a leader should not make.

It is time Modi stops basking in his own glory, forgets his follies and takes immediate steps, based on expert advice to reduce the sufferings of the people as the next few days are bound to witness a rise in the COVID cases in the country, according to scientists and doctors.

If the people continue to suffer, the day is not far when people will turn violent on the streets. They will not stop at beating up elected representatives and the situation will go out of control. It could be a mini-civil war.

The fear is that if such situation arises, the power-crazy Modi will not stop at advising the President to declare Emergency under Article 352 of the Constitution, giving the excuse of armed rebellion. With a puppet cabinet that he heads, getting such a resolution passed to advice the President would be easy for Modi. He will also take the help of the armed forces to stay in power, the megalomanic that he is.

