End agitation, Modi appeals to farmers in speech in Rajya Sabha

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it clear in his reply in Rajya Sabha, to the Presidential Address that the three farm laws, which are being opposed by farmers in the country, are here to stay.

Modi said that the farm laws have to be tried out to see how effective they are. The Prime Minister criticised the opposition for their stand on the farm bills and the farmers’ agitation. He said that while the members spoke about the farmers’ protest, they did not give the reasons behind the protest. At the same time, he failed to explain how the farms laws would help the farmers, except that they were for the benefit of the farmers.

The Prime Minister said that it is normal that there is always opposition to new things, but changes have to be brought in. He stated that there was opposition to the Green Revolution in the country. He credited the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri for the Green Revolution and his aversion to the Gandhi family was seen, when he said that the Green Revolution was carried forward by Shastri’s successors, without mentioning Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, under whose leadership the Green Revolution was successful.

Quoting former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the need to improve the markets for agricultural produce, Modi said that he was implementing what Dr Singh had sought. He that context, he had a dig at the Congress, stating that the party should praise him for implementing Dr Singh’s plan.

Modi praised the Agricultural Minister, without naming him, for his stand on the laws and for holding talks with the farmers.

On one hand he said that the farmers have a right to protest, but said that the elders should be sent back, while on the other hand is appealed to the farmers to end the agitation and come for talks, stating that all options are open.