Mon, 01/03/2022 - 19:50

Farmers died due to Modi, not for him

By abhay mokashi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement to Meghalaya Governor Satya Pal Malik that the (protesting) farmers did not die for him, should not come as a shock to many.

Only a person sick in the brain, would want anybody to die for him or her. A dictator would want people to die for him/her. Modi is known to be a megalomaniac and has no love for others. People should not die for an individual, but by making the statement, Modi may have thought at the back of his mind, that people should lay down their lives for him.

No sensible person would die for Modi, generally people would like to lay down their lives for the country or for a cause. The cause may or may not be for public good and peace, yet people are willing to die for it. 

There are people, who subscribe to the same ideology of Hindutva that Modi belongs to and have not laid their lives for it, but have either taken lives of others or forced them to die.

Over 700 farmers lost their lives during the over year-long protest against the three farm laws brought in by an adamant Modi, which he had to finally withdraw. Modi has blood of these farmers on his hands, but being a cold-blooded person, he does not feel guilty about these deaths.

Many have died due to the incompetency of Modi in playing his role as the Chief Minister of Gujarat or as the Prime Minister of India. Had Modi acted judiciously and fulfilled his constitutional duty, the number of deaths in the Gujarat riots would have been far less. That he had failed to protect the lives of innocent people, was reflected by the statement of his leader and the Prime Minister at that time, Atal Behari Vajpayee. Vajpayee had told Modi to adhere to raj dharma. Of course, blinded by hatred and contempt for Muslims, Modi did not pay heed to Vajpayee’s advice and the killings continued, with Hindus and Muslims losing their lives.

As the Prime Minister, he has failed to stop the lynching by the so called gauraksha (cow protectors). To add to it, calls have been given by Hindutva leaders to wipe out Christians and Muslims from the country, going to extent of describing Muslims as quick acting poison and Christians as slow poison. Sooner or later, the hate speeches are bound to give birth to violence against the members of the two communities, leading to deaths. As the Prime Minister, Modi should have issued a stern warning against such hate speech and ordered Chief Ministers of states where such speeches were delivered, to initiate action against those responsible for the speeches. By his silence, he conveys his endorsement of the hate speeches and the thoughts expressed. As a result, people will not die for him, but they will surely kill for him.

He did not condemn the glorification of Nathuram Godse, the assassin of Mahatma Gandhi. This also shows his approval of the assassination of the Father of the Nation and glorification of Godse. This is not the first time that Modi has remained silent on the glorification of Godse.

Many people have been forced to commit suicide or are forced to starvation due to the failed economic policies and decisions of Modi. Demonetisation has led to loss of jobs, which is making millions difficult to survive. With the rising inflation, people are struggling to live. All this does not bother Modi.

Currently, an app has been indulging in character assassination of Muslim women and the Prime Minister is not perturbed about it. The character assassination has made the lives of these women, miserable.

Several leaders of Bharatiya Janata Party have been indulging in character assassination of leaders of political parties opposed to the BJP. Modi is among the leaders. They all seem to love assassinations of all kinds.