Religious fanatics threaten father opposed to kanya daan custom

A progressive father, who is opposed to the custom of ‘kanyadaan’ (the gifting of a daughter) in marriage, has been threatened for speaking against the custom and he is said to have been threatened with death.

The man’s daughter is to get married in the second week of December and on the wedding card, he printed a message in Bengali Kanya daan noi—Rakta daan (not giving away a daughter, but giving away (her) blood). The father feels that a daughter is not a commodity to be gifted or given away.

Though the invitation card was given only to relatives and friends, individuals and representatives of Hindu fanatic organisations are said to have called up the father, on telephone number published on the invitation card.

A question being raised by his friends is why should his personal view bother anybody else, especially those not invited for the marriage. “The marriage is a family matter and the father has a right to oppose the custom of kanya daan,” an invitee said. ​​​​​​​