Police Dandi against Congress March


Ahmedabad police resorted to lathi charge to prevent Congress activists from taking out a rally in the city today to mark the anniversary of Dandi March, led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 against the British Raj.

The Dandi March, also known as the Salt Satyagrah, was started by Mahatma Gandhi on March 12, 1930, as a part of his non-violent Civil Disobedience to protest against the British Government’s ban on the production and sale of salt by Indians. The Congress has been observing the Dandi March anniversary every year, for the last several years.

Given that the Dandi March was a major act by the Congress against the British Raj, the Congress activists decided to observe the anniversary by taking out a rally this year too, but since Prime Minister Narendra  Modi was in Ahmedabad to launch the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Independence, the police were instructed to keep the Congress activists at bay.

The police tried to keep the Congress activists confined to their office. When the Congress activists broke the police cordon in an effort to march to the Gandhi Ashram near Ellis Bridge, the police resorted to lathi charge, in which some participants of the rally were said to be injured.

Several Congress men and women were later taken into custody. The Congress later tweeted a video of the detainees singing Gandhiji’s favourite Ram dhun, while in custody.

