Pune NGO’s hotline to give information on safe abortions

Marjee Hotline, has been setup by Marjee, a Pune-based non-governmental organisation (NGO), to give information on safe abortions and contraception.

The hotline has been started, given misconceptions regarding abortions, according to career counsellor and social activist Sandesh Lalge.

The Marjee Hotline number is 9075764763 and will be available from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm. The NGO has also posted a presentation giving information on abortions on its website www.marjee.org.in. The presentation sin Marathi.

“Often abortions are necessary when the lives of women are endangered in the 20th to 24th week of pregnancy or when there are deformities in the foetus, but till the passing of the Bill, abortions were not allowed after the 20th week,” Lalge said.

The Rajya Sabha passed a Bill on March 17, this year, allowing abortions between the 20th and 24th week of pregnancy. The Bill has already been passed by the Lok Sabha.

Information on legal aspects of abortions will also be available on the hotline.