​​​​​​​National Trade Unions launch Mission India, to protest ‘anti-people’ policies

The Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions, Independent Federations and Associations and the Samyukta Kisan Morcha has called upon the people to throw out of power, the perpetrators in the governance committing the heinous crime on the national economy (of National Monetisation Pipeline) and the toiling people.

The Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions has flayed the decision to lease out various public assets to raise Rs 6 lakh crore over the next four years and has described it as “nothing but a nefarious design to hand over all infrastructural assets to private hands virtually free for revenue generation by them without any obligation of capital cost and share a small part of that huge revenue with the Government.

A press statement issued by the joint platform states that the government has issued advisories to “all the Gram Panchayats, to monetise their assets such as common lands, water bodies, common buildings etc. to add to their finances. The diabolic effect this will have on village society can only be guessed.”

The statement warns that the immediate effect of the government’s move will result in price rise for the members of the public, for all the infrastructural services being leased out to private players, because the private players have been empowered to increase the user/service charges of all the infrastructure (being leased) and “make windfall profit at the cost of common people”.

It pointed out that the move will also result in loss of jobs for thousands of workers and the Scheduled Casts/Scheduled Tribes would be among the worst affected, as ‘there is no reservation in jobs in the private sector’.

The government is embarking on such policies, which are detrimental to the interests to the common people, to protect the interest of the corporates financing the party in power, the statement says.

A Mission India campaign is being launched by these mass organisations, “to defend our national assets, nation as a whole and also the lives and livelihood of the toiling people by developing determined resistance struggle against this direly anti-national policy regime of the present government in power as the toiling people are bearing the brunt of the destructive policy regime in the form of incessant price rise of everything, continuous loss of jobs and livelihood, sky-rocketing unemployment, aggravating hunger and impoverishment and atrocious attack on the rights of the toiling people along with manifestation of obscene inequality through huge increase in wealth of handful rich and super-rich among the corporate/big-business class.”

As a part of the Mission India campaign, a mass signature drive would be launched and National Protest Day would be observed on October 7, with demonstrations and agitations all over the country up to the district level.