Threat to Hindus, a figment of imagination: MHA

The Union Home Ministry has denied that there is a threat to Hinduism in the country. The Bharatiya Janata Party, which leads the government at the Centre, has been repeatedly claiming that Hindus and Hinduism are under threat in the country.

The party has come to power using the Hindutva card and is still using it to consolidate Hindu vote, by creating a fear psychosis that Hindus and Hinduism is under threat in the country.

That there is no threat to Hinduism in the country has come in a reply to a Right to Information (RTI) query by activist Mohnish Jabalpure of Nagpur. Jabalpure sought evidence on the threat to Hindu religion in the country.

A reply to his RTI query, a Home Ministry official said that the ministry is neither aware of nor does it posses any evidence suggesting alleged dangers to Hindu religion. The reply said that it is not possible for the department to reply to a ‘hypotherical query’.

Jabalpure told the media, “This is the first time a key functionary of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has said that even a query pertaining to ‘threats to Hindu religion’ is imaginary and admitted on record that they have been on record that they have no records to support any such speculation.”
