WB police hold awareness camp for girls on crimes against them

An awareness programme on laws and activities carried out by the police to protect girls from crimes against them, was held by West Bengal’s South Dinajpur district police, yesterday.

The camp was held at the office of Superintendent of Police, for girls below 18 years of age. Such camps would be held in schools and every police station in the district. Women police personnel were in the lead to speak to the girls, so as to make them comfortable.

West Bengal has ranked eight in the country in crime rate against girls, according to the 2020 report of the National Crime Records Bureau. A report of the District Child Welfare Committee (DCWC) states that there is an increase in cases of child marriage, child trafficking and case related to Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

The DCWC feels that such camps will help bring about awareness among the girls and members of the public. The camps, which were discontinued during the lockdown due to the COVID 19 pandemic, have been resumed now.

Suraj Das, a DCWC member, told journalists that in most cases of child sexual abuse, people do not inform the police for fear of embarrassment that the society will know about the incident and the child would be defamed. He added that this is not so, as the child’s identity is not disclosed by the police.

Superintendent of Police Rahul De said, "The common people, basically in rural areas, avoid going to the police and they try to hide such cases. This is not the solution. We are trying to interact with the girl child below 18 years directly. We will talk with them and inform them about the laws. If you do not inform the police, such incidents may happen in the future also. The incident has to be reported to the police. If the police receive a complaint, they will take serious action. Police will keep the name of the victim and her family, confidential."

