Submitted by abhay on Sat, 04/24/2021 - 21:07

Jai Shri Ram to Ram Naam Satya Hai via Ram Bharose

by abhay mokashi

The situation of COVID 19 patients in its second wave, is turning from bad to worse and if studies by national and international experts and institutions are to be believed, the worst is yet to come.

When Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) started spreading in India and the world, it used to be said that it is not an offence to be an AIDS patient, but hiding the fact is an offence. This was because if people are in the denial stage, there cannot be remedial measures, as the belief is that the problem does not exist.

This is the case with India too, when it comes to COVID 19 pandemic. In his address at the World Economic Forum on January 28, 2021 Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “Last year, in February-March, a lot of experts had said the India will be the worst-affected country, there will be tsunami of cases. They predicted two million deaths in the country. But India moved ahead with a proactive public participation.”

He added, “Today, India is among countries that have succeeded in saving the maximum lives. The country, which comprises 18 per cent of the world's population, has saved the world from disaster by bringing the situation under control."

This is surely not the first time Modi has made a mockery of the office of the Prime Minister of India and made a laughing stock of himself. Another such example was his speech at an international science conference.

Narcissist Modi always believes that what he does and says is the truth and the best for the country. It is this attitude of the Prime Minister that has landed our country in the COVID mess that is seen today.

He, his government and his blind followers are still in the denial mode of the COVID situation, the shortage of oxygen and medicines.

Till yesterday, one saw relatives of patients crying, given the situation. Since last night, doctors are also crying, when they see recovering patients die due to the lack of oxygen. Doctors claim that even after written assurance by the Central Government, oxygen has not reached hospitals.

At least now Modi should heed the advice of experts, instead of going by the opinion of his ‘yes’ men and women, who speak what he likes to hear. It is time the Prime Minister started doing what is best for the masses, rather than worrying about his growth, with the growth of his party.

His blind supporters still swear by him, without waking up to the reality. Many supported the Bharatiya Janata Party after it gave the nation the Jai Shree Ram slogan. As the health infrastructure failed, many realised that they have to live Ram Bharose (at the mercy of Ram), but when even god could not save their near and dear, they were forced to chant Ram Naam Satya Hai.

