Submitted by abhay on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 23:32

Speak up Nitin Gadkari


Dear Mr Gadkari,

I am writing to you after debating with myself for over a fortnight whether to do so or not and finally gave in to my inner voice to pen this to you.

At the outset, I must say that our political differences may continue, but in the past, there have been several issues on which we have had similar views and I presume that your silence notwithstanding, we are bound to agree on the state of affairs in the country today.

It is painful to see millions in the country suffer either directly or indirectly due to COVID 19 pandemic. For any sensible person it is devastating to see men and women wailing and begging for beds, oxygen and medicines for their COVID patients and it is a shame that these facilities are not available to many.

Even at crematoria and cemeteries there are waiting lists to perform the last rites.

I need not go into the details as many have been speaking about the issues and even some blind supporters or elected representatives of your party have raised feeble voices against the current situation. Needless to say, you are aware of the situation in the country.

The nation now needs a leader who can take quick and right decisions, after consultations with experts, to bring the situation under control.

Some of us have seen you study a subject and go into its details, before working our plans and executing them. You are known to take the views of experts too. I recall the over 45 minute telephonic discussion we had on Zhu Rongji and how he changed the Chinese economy.

You are the only member of the Union Cabinet to have spoken up against what you felt is wrong, even if that has caused embarrassment to your party and the government of which you are a part.

I wonder what happened to that Nitin Gadkari. Why is he silent at the current situation? Has he sold his conscience to the party that he does not mind people suffering and dying?

Many in the country have been speaking of the resignation of the Prime Minister. There are two issues involved here first and foremost the Prime Minister will not resign come what may and the other is that nobody can deny that the National Democratic Alliance, which has formed the government at the centre has been democratically elected so the government cannot be dismissed and there is no such provision in the Constitution. But there can be a change of guard.

Your party discipline will prevent you from rebelling. But you can raise your voice and demand that right decisions are taken in the interest of the nation, instead of being in the denial mode of the situation.

You, the BJP and the RSS, of which you are a product speak about nationalism and patriotism should ask your conscience if all of you should remain silent. The time has come for the RSS too to decide whether Narendra Modi is important or the nation and its people.

The RSS could take the lead and hand over the baton of leading the government at the Centre to you and give relief to the people by acting on a war footing. I am confident that you are in a position to take quick and right decisions, to give some relief to the people of India.

History will never forgive you if you remain silent. The least you could do is quit the failed government.

The people of Maharashtra are known for their self-respect. Do I need to remind you that C D Deshmukh had resigned from Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s cabinet over the proposal to bifurcate Bombay State into Gujarat and Maharashtra? The situation today is worse than that, with thousands are dying and according to experts, the worst is yet to come.

If you remain silent, you should not ever take the name of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, who is often mentioned in your speeches. One of the several things given to us by the great Maratha king was self-respect. Where is yours?

With almost all the members of the Union Cabinet working as puppets, I am forced to write this open letter to you, you being the only hope.

Warm regards,

abhay mokashi