BJP’s call for hara-kiri

By abhay mokashi

Blinded by communal politics, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Maharashtra has given a call for hara-kiri, so to say, by launching an agitation in the state for the opening of temples, which are under lockdown due to the COVID 19 pandemic situation.

The rise of the party on the political arena after winning only two seats in the Lok Sabha in the 1984 general elections to 301 seats in 2019, can be attributed primarily to the Hindu card played by it time and again.

Realising that it is losing grip on the minds of the people, it has aggressively started using the Hindutva card in the country once again. The party’s spokespersons, who come on various television channels every day, try to link practically every issue to Hindu-Muslim relationship. Supported by unprofessional anchors of television channels, they try to create fear in the minds of the people at large that the threat of Taliban looms large on India, given the size of the Muslim population in the country.

Almost all the spokespersons of the BJP, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the supporters of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) who come on television channels are a behaviour that is disgraceful, uncivilised, despicable and uncultured. They are arrogant and often use offensive language. The calibre of these ogranisations should be judged by the level of their spokespersons.

At the slightest opportunity, the party tries to fan communal sentiments and while doing so, use Hinduism for their political goals, rather than to practice this great and ancient religion. Hinduism can be said to be one of the most flexible and multi-faceted religion, giving scope for worship in various forms. It allows theism as much as atheism and idol worship as well as worship of the formless. With 33 crore gods in the religion, the followers have a wide choice to select which god to worship, as well as the form of worship.

Lord Krishna had said that devotion is more important than the form of worship.

In the light of all this the BJP and its leaders are working as agents of Hinduism, spreading views that would consolidate their vote bank and while doing so, deviating from the teachings of the religion. The BJP leaders in Maharashtra are trying to impress upon the people that the restrictions are being imposed by the government, only against Hindus, which is not the case.

It is strange that millions, who know that their religion is being hijacked by the power-crazy BJP, watch this with muted silence. The BJP is clearing indulging in sacrilege by taking the party and its flags to the temples.

Forgetting the instructions issued to Maharashtra Government by the BJP-led Union government to restrict assembly of people, especially during the celebration of Ganesh festival and the traditional Dahi Handi, the BJP in the state, along with the Maharashtra Navanirman Sena (MNS), organised Dahi Handi programmes in many places, have vowed that they would celebrate the Ganesh festival, defying the prohibitory orders.

These acts and the assembly outside temples, demanding the opening of these places of worship is nothing short of inviting the participants to be ready to be infected by the Corona virus, which could be fatal in come cases. This is hara-kiri.

People are already dying due to COVID and other infectious diseases. Many were infected due to their participation in the Kumbh Mela. Due to the loss of jobs and absence of income, many of committed suicide in various parts of the country. Farmers are being beaten up ruthlessly. As if all this is not enough, the BJP is now asking people to gather in the name of god, to increase their hardships by exposing them to the Corona virus.

All gods of all faiths have failed protecting the devotees from the dreaded disease, as such religious congregations should be avoided, especially in the light of the fear of the third wave of COVID.

There was a time when the BJP, while it was in the opposition, would flayed the government of the time for increase in fuel prices, but now with power in its hand at the Centre, the party is guilty of not being able to control inflation. A party, which used to protest at the slightest increase in fuel prices, is silent or rather justifying the huge increase in fuel prices during its rule now. Instead of protesting to demand opening of temples, it should protest against inflation, unemployment and the curbing of democratic rights; that it will not, as the party has fathered these problems.

The party may indulge in acts, which not only go harm the public at large, but also go against the teachings of Hinduism. It is for the public to ensure that it does not fall a prey to such acts.
