Gujarat police storm press conference,

arrest farmers' leaders


In another case of high-handedness by the Gujarat government and the police there, the police stormed into a press conference being held in Ahmedabad by farmers protesting against the three farm laws. The press conference was held at a local hotel, Motera.
Even as the farmers’ leaders were addressing the journalists, the police stopped the press conference, claiming that the farmers did not have permission to hold a press conference. Th police arrested farmers’ leaders Yudhvir Singh, Ranjit Singh, Gajendra Singha and J K Patel.
The police also roughed-up journalists attending the press conference and pushed them out.
The press conference was organised to brief the media about the proposed Mahapanchayat of the farmers, to be held in Gujarat on April 4 and 5.
The press conference also marked the end of the day long Bharat Bandh called by Samyukt Kisan Morcha.
In a similar incident, farmers’ leaders were detained in Bengaluru too, when they were protesting as a part of the Bharat Bandh.