Wed, 12/22/2021 - 08:18

Respect your PM, his photo will remain on vaccine certificate, rules Kerala High Court

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s photograph shall remain on the anti-COVID vaccination certificate, according to the Kerala High Court.

Justice P V Kunhikrishnan in his judgment on a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by Peter Myaliparampil, a Right to Information (RTI) activist, stressed on the importance of according respect to the office of the Prime Minister of India, irrespective of the political affiliations of the person adorning the post.

Justice Kunhikrishnan termed the PIL as frivolous and politically motivated and asked the petitioner to deposit Rs 1 lakh, payable to Kerala Legal Services Authority, as cost.

The petitioner had challenged the inclusion of the PM's photo even in the certificates of those who had paid for it, primarily on the ground that the inclusion of the PM's photo in the private certificate of an individual serves no public purpose or utility. As a captive audience, the same violates the petitioner's free speech right, including the right against compelled listening, protected by Article 19 of the Constitution of India, it was contended.

The Court rejected the petition.
