
Apex Court stays Bombay HC Acquittal in sexual assault case in the absence of skin-to-skin contact

The Supreme Court has stayed the Bombay High Court’s Nagpur Bench order which said that a person groping a girl child’s breast without skin-to-skin contact cannot be held guilty of sexual assault under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POSCO) Act. The Bombay High Court’s verdict by Justice Pushpa Ganediwala has been challenged by Youth Bar Association of India.

Children in India and Nepal may lead to increase in child labour

More children in India and Nepal are likely to be forced into labour, according to a study GoodWeave International. The study Hidden and Vulnerable: The Impact of COVID 19 on Child, Forced and Bonded Labor was carried out by this non-profit organisation in the apparel, home textile and carpet supply chains in the two countries. A report based on the study has documented loss of income leading to indebtedness. The study noted that the situation has led to migration and closure of schools.

Elimination of child labour a stupendous task: ILO

Over 152 million children are working as child labour across the world, with concentration mainly in Africa, Asian and the Pacific, according to International Labour Organisation.

ILO announced last week that though there was a 38 per cent drop in child labour cases in the world, the economic condition in the world, due to the COVID 19 pandemic is likely to increase child labour across the globe.